Contributions to ephios are welcome. If you want to see what we are currently up to, check the available issues.
If you have an idea for new feature you should start by deciding whether you want to write a plugin (see Developing plugins for ephios) or to contribute the feature to the ephios core code. A plugin is usually suitable if the feature is very specific to a small set of users (e.g. a specific signup process only used in your local organisation) or the feature is not related to the core tasks of ephios (e.g. a system for stock management). If all ephios users could profit from your feature, you should consider contributing it to the core code. Please start by describing your feature in a new issue in the GitHub repository to coordinate the extent with us. When working on existing issues, please assign yourself and create a pull request early on.
Development setup
To set up a development version on your local machine, you need to execute the following steps:
Install external packages required for developing ephios
(to check out the repository)python
version 3.8 or higher including dev and virtualenv toolinggettext
(to compile translations, might also be namedmsgfmt
Check out the repository and cd to it
Set up a virtualenv for the project activate it
Install poetry (if not already installed): Installation guide
Install dependencies with
poetry install
Create env file with
cp .env.example .env
Migrate the database with
python migrate
Prepare files for the installation with
python build
Load data for testing with
python devdata
Start the development server with
python runserver
Open your web browser, visit
and log in with the default credentials (useradmin@localhost
and passwordadmin
If those steps did not work for you, please contact us or open an issue in the GitHub repository.
The default development server is not suitable for production use. It is not secure and not performant. If you want to run ephios in production, please follow the deployment guide
We are using pytest along with django-webtest.
Please write tests for new features or fixed bugs. You can use your IDE integration to run the tests or execute the
whole test suite with pytest
Code style
We are enforcing a good code style for every pull request. To ensure that you only commit appropriate code, we recommend
installing a pre-commit hook with pre-commit install
. You can have a look at .pre-commit-config.yaml
to check
how this works. In short it executes the following steps before every commit:
with a couple of flags to remove unused imports,run
isort .
to sort imports,run
black .
to format the code.
If you want to do that manually, run pre-commit run --all-files
Next to that, we also run pylint ephios
to check for semantic issues in the code.
We are using the django translation system for translations in python, html and javascript. After adding new strings to translate, run this to generate the locale/**/.po files for translation:
python makemessages --all -d django
python makemessages --all -d djangojs --ignore data --ignore docs
Calling makemessages
in the djangojs
domain will find gettext calls in javascript files in the
current working directory. Therefore, we need to ignore the data
which contains static files from
3rd-party-packages already translated and the docs
directory. Some 3rd-party-javascript comes without
a translation. To add them, do run makemessages
from the data/public/static/
directory after running
, but ignore all directories of 3rd-party-packages that are already translated, e.g.:
cd data/public/static/
python ../../../ makemessages --all -d djangojs --ignore jsi18n --ignore admin --ignore CACHE --ignore recurrence --ignore select2
We tend to edit our .po files using weblate, but a local editor like poedit works as well.
Using other databases
By default, ephios uses a sqlite database for development and PostgreSQL for production.
If you want to use Postgres in development, here are some steps to follow:
sudo docker run --name postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -e POSTGRES_DB=ephios -e PGDATA=/tmp -d -p 5432:5432 -v ${PWD}:/var/lib/postgresql/data postgres:latest
Then, you can use the following settings in your .env file. Remember to migrate etc.
We do not recommend using MySQL, but if you need a mysql for development, you can use the following docker command:
sudo docker run --name mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=somesupersecret123 -p 3306:3306 -d
sudo docker exec -it mysql mariadb -u root -p # use the password above
Then, you can use the following settings in your .env file. Remember to migrate etc.