Events, event types and visibility

ephios understands „event“ as some real world event with a defined timeframe for which you are planning personnel in a single or multiple shifts. Shifts can be continuous and overlapping.

While permissions are managed on event level, signup settings are configured on shift level.

Responsibles and event visibility

Single users and groups can be made responsible for an event. That allows them to edit event details, shift settings and do the disposition for the event’s shifts.

Events are made visible for groups of users. Visibility is required for participants to view and sign up for the event. You can manually add users to shifts. These users, as well as everyone who ever singed up or declined for any of the event’s shifts will continue to have visibility permission even if you change the visibility settings later on.


Event types are used for organizing events into different categories. They can be used in filters and come with defaults for event visibility and responsibility settings.

Showing participant data

For every event type you can configure who can view the names of participants in events of that type. By default, participant data is visible to everyone. You can restrict it to people who have a confirmed participation in any of the event’s shift. The most strict option is to only show participant data to the event’s responsibles.


You can configure event title, location and a rich text description.

Shifts have a start and end time, a meetup time as well as settings for how signup works.

Plugins might provide additional stettings on shift or event level.